
The following is just a sampling of the many resources available.

* Hear Their Cries:  Religious Responses to Child Abuse.   A video on the role of clergy and lay leaders in ending child abuse.
* Bless Our Children:  Preventing Sexual Abuse.   The story of one congregation's efforts to include sexual abuse prevention in their children's religious education.
Reducing the Risk of Child Sexual Abuse in your Church:  Christian Ministry Resources, Matthews, North Carolina.
* Wake Up!  CR Publications.
Flirting or Hurting  was produce by WGBY-TV in 1997 in Springfield, Massachusetts. Distributed by GPN in Lincoln, Nebraska.
Listen to Me  produced by MTI Film and Video in 1987. Available through TRAVARCA, the video resource services of the Reformed Church in America.
* After Sexual Abuse:  Two stories of an incest survivor's struggles to deal with her abuse, Mennonite Central Committee production.
* Beyond the News, Sexual Abuse:  Mennonite Media Ministries, Harrisonburg Virginia. True stories of survivors and perpetrators told by actors.
* No! How: 

No Ordinary Life:  Parenting the "Sexually Abused Child and Adolescent", by Sandy Knauer. Charles Thomas Publisher, Springfield, IL.
Bridging Worlds:  Understanding Adolescent Recovery from the Trauma of Abuse, by Joycee Kennedy and Carol McCarthy. Haworth Press, New York.
Through the Tears:  Caring for the Sexually Abused Child, by Karen Cecilia Johnson. Broadman Press, Nashville, TN.
* Sexual Abuse in Christian Homes and Churches,  by Carolyn Holderread Heggen. Herald Press, Waterloo, Ontario.
When Your Child Has Been Molested,  by Kathryn Hagans and Joyce Case. Jossey-Bass Publishers, San Francisco, CA.
Helping Victims of Sexual Abuse,  by Lynn Heitritter and Jeanette Vought. Bethany House Publishers, Minneapolis, MN.
Defiant Hope:  Spirituality for Survivors of Family Abuse, by James Leehan. John Knox Press, Louisville, KY.
It Can Happen to Boys Too,  by Jane Satullo and Roberta Russell. Published by the Elizabeth Freeman Center. ISBN 0-9618618-0-0.
Abused Boys  - The Neglected Victims of Sexual Abuse.
* Preventing Child Abuse,  by Beth Swagman. CRC Publications, Grand Rapids, Michigan.
* Sexual Offending and Restoration,  by Mark Yantzi. Herald Press, Waterloo, Ontario.
* Hope in Healing:  Healing Childhood Sexual Abuse, by Tess Edwards and Mary Derouard, Source RE Source, Toronto.
* Sibling Abuse:  Hidden physical, emotional, and sexual trauma, by Vernon R. Wiebe, Sage Publications, London.
* The Courage to Heal:  A Guide for Women Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse, by Ellen Bass and Laura Davis, HarperCollins Publisher, New York.
* The Courage to Heal Workbook:  For Women and Men Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse, by Laura Davis.
* From the Darkest Night:  Meditations for abuse survivors, written and illustrated by Melanie Jansen.
* The Mother's Book:  How to Survive the Molestation of Your Child, by Carolyn M. Byerly, Kendall/Hunt Publishing, Dubuque, Iowa.


* Broken Vows,  Center for the Prevention of Sexual and Domestic Violence, Seattle, Washington. Religious Perspective on Domestic Violence. The stories of six battered women. Shows how religious teachings have been misused in ways that perpetuate abuse, and gives positive suggestions about how religious communities can work to end domestic violence.
* Wings Like a Dove,  Center for the Prevention of Sexual and Domestic Violence, Seattle, Washington. Healing for the Abused Christian Women. This video speaks directly to the abused Christian woman. Through the voices of victims, clergy, and helping professionals, Wings Like a Dove offers hope and healing to abused women, and valuable information to religious and community groups.

* Responding to Domestic Violence,  A Resource for Church Leaders, by Beth Swagman, CRC Publications, Grand Rapids.
Battered Into Submission,  by James and Phyllis Alsdurf. InterVarsity Press, Downers Grove, IL.
Breaking the Pattern:  Understanding Wife Abuse. By the Office of Prevention of Family Violence, Alberta.
Violent No More,  by Michael Paymar. Hunter House Publishers, Alameda, CA.
Men's Work,  by Paul Kivel. Hazelden Press, Center City, MN.
Into the Light,  by Leslie Cantrell. A Guide for Battered Women. Published by KIDSRIGHTS, Charlotte, NC.
When My Mommy Got Hurt,  by Ilene Lee and Kathy Sylwester. Published by KIDSRIGHTS, Charlotte, NC.
When Violence Comes Home. 
Deacon Digest of Domestic Violence. 
Battered but not Broken,  by Patricia Gaddis. Judson Press, Valley Forge, PA.
Healing the Hurting:  Giving hope and help to Abused women, by Catherine Clark Kroeger and James R. Beck, Baker Books, Grand Rapids.
* The Cry of Tamar:  Violence against women and the Church's response, by Pamela Cooper-White, Fortress Press, Minneapolis.
* Not in My Church, Center for the Prevention of Sexual and Domestic Violence, Seattle, Washington. A docudrama to help people deal with the problem of clergy misconduct involving sexual abuse in the ministerial relationship.

Can Fallen Pastors Be Restored,  by John Armstrong. Moody Press, Chicago, IL.
Restoring the Soul of a Congregation,  by Nancy Myer Hopkins and Mark Laaser. The Liturgical Press, Collegeville, MN.
What About Her:  One Woman's Story of Clergy Abuse, by Beth Van Dyke. WinePress Publishing, Mukilteo, WA.
Sexual Abuse by Clergy. 
Sexual Violence,  by Marie Fortune. The Marie Fortune. The Pilgrim Press, New York, New York.
A Tragic Grace:  The Catholic Church and Abuse, by Stephen Rossetti. The Liturgical Press, Collegeville, MN.
* Crossing the Boundary:  Professional Sexual Abuse
Sex in the Parish,  by Karen Lebacqz and Ronald Barton. John Knox Press, Louisville, KY.


* Love - All That and More:  A six session curriculum and 3 video series on healthy relationships for youth and young adults, by Center for the Prevention of Sexual and Domestic Violence, Seattle.


* Lord Hear Our Prayers:  Domestic Violence Worship Resource, compiled by Kathy Shantz. Published by Mennonite Central Committee Canada.

Abuse Guidelines:  see Acts of Synod 1997 (pgs 674 - 685)

Safe Church Ministry of the Christian Reformed Church in North America.
Tel:   616-224-0735 office
Cell:   616-485-4595 cell
Contact:   Bonnie Nicholas
Salem Christian Mental Health Association
Tel:   (905) 528-0353
Fax:   (905) 528-3562
Center for the Prevention of Sexual and Domestic Violence (an inter-religious, educational resource) Resource Catalogue
Tel:   (206) 634-1903
Fax:   (206) 634-0115
Mennonite and Brethern in Christ Resource Centre Audio Visual Catalogue
Tel:   (519) 745-8458
Fax:   (519) 745-0064
* How to Be a People Helper: A Christian psychologist sheds insights that will help you help your friends, family, and coworkers, by Gary R. Collins, Tyndale House Publishers, Wheaton, Illinois.
Shaken Baby Syndrome
Emotional Neglect
Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect
What You Need to Know if a Child is Being Abused or Neglected

* May be rented from your Classical Abuse Response Team.
For more information about these resources, please call or email:

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